World Blood Donor Day is 20 years of celebrating giving: thank you blood donors

New Delhi. : Every year, World Blood Donor Day is observed on 14th June. The theme of this year’s World Blood Donor Day is 20 years of celebrating giving: thank you blood donors.
The Department of Blood Bank and Transfusion Medicine, VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital took this opportunity to honour and felicitate regular voluntary blood donors at our centre for their selfless act of Blood donation over the year.
A voluntary Blood Donation camp was inaugurated by MS Dr. V Talwar in the presence of all Addl MS, HOD Dr. Sunil Ranga, Blood Centre In-Charge Dr. Rekha Tirkey & Blood Centre team. Regular voluntary donors were felicitated to motivate others towards regular blood donation.
As we reflect on the significance of blood donation, it is essential to recognize the countless lives that have been saved, thanks to the generosity of Blood Donors.
Whether it is a patient undergoing elective surgery to trauma victim in need of emergency transfusion or an individual battling a life threatening illness, access to safe blood is often the difference between life and death. By donating blood, we become silent heroes offering hope and healing to those in their darkest hours.
However, despite the critical need for blood donations, there remains a persistent gap between supply and demand – posing significant challenges for health care systems.
We at VMMC & Safdarjung Blood Centre strike to bridge this gap by raising awareness and mobilizing support for blood donation.
We are determined to fulfill our commitment to blood donation and redouble our efforts to ensure a steady supply of safe blood for those in need.
110 blood donations were held & 10 voluntary donors were felicitated.
Dr. V Talwar MS led officers & staff at @SJH in taking the pledge to promote voluntary blood donation. With unwavering commitment, we vowed to raise awareness about the lifesaving importance of safe blood amid global shortage. United, we can ensure access to safe and adequate blood for all in need.

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